May 3, 1999
August 1974
Bienvenidos a lal Feria
July 1, 1971
Venceremos: Papel del Barrio
June 28, 1976
Summer In Aztlan
Various dates in 1990
U.C.L.A. Dismantles Chicana/
February 1992
Sparc Plug: Social and Publi
August 27, 1992
Neighborhood youth to work o
January 1990
Chac Presents: "Faces of the
November 28, 1998
Statue Will Keep Memory of M
March 1990
Chac Presents: Phorographs f
September 20, 1992
Aztec: Discovering A Lost Em
English-Only Law Killed In A
Putting the Movement Back in
April 17, 1991
400 Chicano students attend
April 5, 2004
Putting the Movement Back in
Area Attractions
Teaching for Change
August 11, 1996
Right man right time
July 17, 2006
Music Didn't Die With Mariac
Pocho Magazine
August 30, 1995
HUD Recognizes Heroes of Pub
ca. 1970s
Why Chicanos Resist Conformi
ca. 1970s
Basta Ya! poem and cartoon
ca. late 1960s to early 1970
America America
ca. late 1960s to early 1970
Illustration from unidentifi
Cesar Chavez at a protest of
March 1966
Proclamacion: El Plan de Del
ca. late 1980s to early 1990
Four pages of Diario de la J
ca. 1992
La Neta del planeta
ca. late 1960s
A Certain Man
ca. late 1960s
A bullet / Holding a gun / w
March 1969
Revolutionary Letter No. 21
ca. late 1960s
Page from a script for a pla
Numero uno and Numero dos
ca. late 1960s
Home for Christmas
February 10, 1968
Page from a Los Angeles news
ca. late 1960s
Page from an unknown newspap
August 15, 1968
Page from an unknown newspap
ca. late 1960s
Page from El Machete. Recto:
ca. late 1960s
Page from an unknown newspap
June 1969
El Travieso
June 12, 1968
Community Protest: Black & B
ca. late 1960s
Fiesta Magazine
September 21,1964
Preventive Program Launched
Three articles highlighting
American Education: Mexican
May 1968
El Gallo: First Chicano in S
December 1968
El Gallo: Chicano "Socks It"
January 1969
S.W. Regional News
July 1968
El Gallo: Archeuleta Killed