Browse All : mural paintings (visual works) and Martinez, Emanuel (American sculptor and painter, born 1947) by Martinez, Emanuel

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Primer Congreso Nacional de Tierra y Cultura
Primer Congreso Naciona...
October 21-22, 1972
Work Title (display)
Primer Congreso Nacional de Tierra y Cultura
Work Dates (display)
October 21-22, 1972
Little Raven St. Muralist Emanuel Martinez
Little Raven St. Murali...
July 28, 2002
Work Title (display)
Little Raven St. Muralist Emanuel Martinez
Work Dates (display)
July 28, 2002
Renowned artist's mural unveiled post-SYDC graduation
Renowned artist's mural...
June 2, 2011
Work Title (display)
Renowned artist's mural unveiled post-SYDC graduation
Work Dates (display)
June 2, 2011
Somos Aztlan / Manuel Martinez creates art of the spirit
Somos Aztlan / Manuel M...
Work Title (display)
Somos Aztlan / Manuel Martinez creates art of the spirit
Work Dates (display)
Mural might help break down walls
Mural might help break ...
May 20, 1991
Work Title (display)
Mural might help break down walls
Work Dates (display)
May 20, 1991
Mural painter shows wall-to-wall vision
Mural painter shows wal...
September 1, 1986
Work Title (display)
Mural painter shows wall-to-wall vision
Work Dates (display)
September 1, 1986
Artist and his street mural
Artist and his street m...
September 28, 1977
Work Title (display)
Artist and his street mural
Work Dates (display)
September 28, 1977
Manuel Martinez Wins Governor's Award
Manuel Martinez Wins Go...
July 1985
Work Title (display)
Manuel Martinez Wins Governor's Award
Work Dates (display)
July 1985
Manuel Martinez, Governor's Awards 1985
Manuel Martinez, Govern...
June/July 1985
Work Title (display)
Manuel Martinez, Governor's Awards 1985
Work Dates (display)
June/July 1985
Springs center puts the focus on Hispanic art
Springs center puts the...
September 16, 1986
Work Title (display)
Springs center puts the focus on Hispanic art
Work Dates (display)
September 16, 1986
The Versatility of Emanuel Martinez comes to Greeley / Art work from within
The Versatility of Eman...
April 24, 1997
Work Title (display)
The Versatility of Emanuel Martinez comes to Greeley / Art work from within
Work Dates (display)
April 24, 1997
Big birds on a little street
Big birds on a little s...
December 6, 2000
Work Title (display)
Big birds on a little street
Work Dates (display)
December 6, 2000
Thine Art: Denver awash in public murals, sculpture / Denver arts flourish with '1 percent' plan
Thine Art: Denver awash...
September 20, 2000
Work Title (display)
Thine Art: Denver awash in public murals, sculpture / Denver arts flourish with '1 percent' plan
Work Dates (display)
September 20, 2000
Perfect day in May
Perfect day in May
May 10, 2000
Work Title (display)
Perfect day in May
Work Dates (display)
May 10, 2000
Artist explores energy of Santa Fe Drive
Artist explores energy ...
September 9, 1999
Work Title (display)
Artist explores energy of Santa Fe Drive
Work Dates (display)
September 9, 1999
Painting hope for youths
Painting hope for youth...
September 14, 2012
Work Title (display)
Painting hope for youths
Work Dates (display)
September 14, 2012
Emanuel Martinez paints mural at Corpus Christi grocery store
Emanuel Martinez paints...
ca. 1978
Work Title (display)
Emanuel Martinez paints mural at Corpus Christi grocery store
Work Dates (display)
ca. 1978
Emanuel Martinez & Frances Dodd / Things to do: Art / Denver artist's work reflects pre-Hispanic traditions, renaissance
Emanuel Martinez & Fran...
July 6, 1990
Work Title (display)
Emanuel Martinez & Frances Dodd / Things to do: Art / Denver artist's work reflects pre-Hispanic traditions, renaissance
Work Dates (display)
July 6, 1990
Matchstick artist
Matchstick artist
April 30, 2010
Work Title (display)
Matchstick artist
Work Dates (display)
April 30, 2010
The Muralist as Moralist
The Muralist as Moralis...
September 15, 1977
Work Title (display)
The Muralist as Moralist
Work Dates (display)
September 15, 1977
Aztec exhibit a link to a forgotten past / Exhibit should raise cultural awareness
Aztec exhibit a link to...
August 30, 1992
Work Title (display)
Aztec exhibit a link to a forgotten past / Exhibit should raise cultural awareness
Work Dates (display)
August 30, 1992
In residence: Students, artist creative combination
In residence: Students,...
March 5, 1987
Work Title (display)
In residence: Students, artist creative combination
Work Dates (display)
March 5, 1987
Manuel Martinez captures spirit of heritage
Manuel Martinez capture...
September 13, 1986
Work Title (display)
Manuel Martinez captures spirit of heritage
Work Dates (display)
September 13, 1986
Emanuel Martinez...award winning, versatile Morrison artist
Emanuel Martinez...awar...
Winter 2007-2008
Work Title (display)
Emanuel Martinez...award winning, versatile Morrison artist
Work Dates (display)
Winter 2007-2008
Neighborhood hires artist to redo mural
Neighborhood hires arti...
April 7, 1994
Work Title (display)
Neighborhood hires artist to redo mural
Work Dates (display)
April 7, 1994
El arte de José Clemente Orozco
El arte de José Clement...
December 3, 1986
Work Title (display)
El arte de José Clemente Orozco
Work Dates (display)
December 3, 1986
Manuel Martinez
Manuel Martinez
ca. 1976-1977
Work Title (display)
Manuel Martinez
Work Dates (display)
ca. 1976-1977
Artists of the West: Emanuel Martinez
Artists of the West: Em...
Work Title (display)
Artists of the West: Emanuel Martinez
Work Dates (display)
New life began after brush with the law
New life began after br...
April 23, 1977
Work Title (display)
New life began after brush with the law
Work Dates (display)
April 23, 1977
Arte Mestiza mural unveiled
Arte Mestiza mural unve...
November 12, 1986
Work Title (display)
Arte Mestiza mural unveiled
Work Dates (display)
November 12, 1986
Emanuel Martinez New Sculpture Has A Home In West Denver
Emanuel Martinez New Sc...
August 2003
Work Title (display)
Emanuel Martinez New Sculpture Has A Home In West Denver
Work Dates (display)
August 2003
Exciting New Mural at Aztlan Park Now Finished
Exciting New Mural at A...
August 11, 1994
Work Title (display)
Exciting New Mural at Aztlan Park Now Finished
Work Dates (display)
August 11, 1994
Mural bring pride to YDC teens
Mural bring pride to YD...
March 10, 2011
Work Title (display)
Mural bring pride to YDC teens
Work Dates (display)
March 10, 2011
Unlocking talent in others
Unlocking talent in oth...
April 21, 2011
Work Title (display)
Unlocking talent in others
Work Dates (display)
April 21, 2011
Guadalupe mural renovated
Guadalupe mural renovat...
June 19, 2013
Work Title (display)
Guadalupe mural renovated
Work Dates (display)
June 19, 2013
'The Art Experience:' Visiting artist hopes to inspire juveniles to make mark on the world
'The Art Experience:' V...
March 11, 2012
Work Title (display)
'The Art Experience:' Visiting artist hopes to inspire juveniles to make mark on the world
Work Dates (display)
March 11, 2012
Mural inspires inmates
Mural inspires inmates
October 27, 2011
Work Title (display)
Mural inspires inmates
Work Dates (display)
October 27, 2011
Pintura mural sobre la lucha
Pintura mural sobre la ...
November 27, 1985
Work Title (display)
Pintura mural sobre la lucha
Work Dates (display)
November 27, 1985
Martinez provides mural for Mountain View Youth Development Center in Dandridge
Martinez provides mural...
August 26, 2013
Work Title (display)
Martinez provides mural for Mountain View Youth Development Center in Dandridge
Work Dates (display)
August 26, 2013
High schoolers take to murals
High schoolers take to ...
ca. 1986
Work Title (display)
High schoolers take to murals
Work Dates (display)
ca. 1986
Paean to the planet
Paean to the planet
ca. 1989
Work Title (display)
Paean to the planet
Work Dates (display)
ca. 1989
Mural depicts struggle
Mural depicts struggle
Work Title (display)
Mural depicts struggle
Work Dates (display)
"Homage to Delta's diversity" is on its way!
"Homage to Delta's dive...
ca. 1992
Work Title (display)
"Homage to Delta's diversity" is on its way!
Work Dates (display)
ca. 1992
Exhibition for Former City Employee
Exhibition for Former C...
August 1995
Work Title (display)
Exhibition for Former City Employee
Work Dates (display)
August 1995
La Alma Park mural restored / Restaurado el mural de la Alma Park
La Alma Park mural rest...
October 4, 1995
Work Title (display)
La Alma Park mural restored / Restaurado el mural de la Alma Park
Work Dates (display)
October 4, 1995
Program helps students paint a happy picture
Program helps students ...
May 22, 1998
Work Title (display)
Program helps students paint a happy picture
Work Dates (display)
May 22, 1998
Artist reveals spiritual essence of the Chicano
Artist reveals spiritua...
January 27, 1991
Work Title (display)
Artist reveals spiritual essence of the Chicano
Work Dates (display)
January 27, 1991
Emmanuel Martinez strikes again
Emmanuel Martinez strik...
September 15, 1999
Work Title (display)
Emmanuel Martinez strikes again
Work Dates (display)
September 15, 1999
Magic and Myth / Emanuel; the Life end Times of an Artist
Magic and Myth / Emanue...
February 15, 1989
Work Title (display)
Magic and Myth / Emanuel; the Life end Times of an Artist
Work Dates (display)
February 15, 1989
Columbus Park Mural to Be Finished
Columbus Park Mural to ...
September 13, 1970
Work Title (display)
Columbus Park Mural to Be Finished
Work Dates (display)
September 13, 1970
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