Browse All : Martinez, Emanuel (American sculptor and painter, born 1947) and community art by Denver Post
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Work Title (display)
Little Raven St. Muralist Emanuel Martinez
Work Dates (display)
July 28, 2002
Work Title (display)
Mural might help break down walls
Work Dates (display)
May 20, 1991
Work Title (display)
Big birds on a little street
Work Dates (display)
December 6, 2000
Work Title (display)
Thine Art: Denver awash in public murals, sculpture / Denver arts flourish with '1 percent' plan
Work Dates (display)
September 20, 2000
Work Title (display)
Perfect day in May
Work Dates (display)
May 10, 2000
Work Title (display)
Going with the Flow
Work Dates (display)
August 4, 2009
Work Title (display)
Youngster's brush with fame
Work Dates (display)
February 28, 1987
Work Title (display)
Unlocking talent in others
Work Dates (display)
April 21, 2011
Work Title (display)
Program helps students paint a happy picture
Work Dates (display)
May 22, 1998
Work Title (display)
Columbus Park Mural to Be Finished
Work Dates (display)
September 13, 1970
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