July 5, 1991
Festival is a combination ar
June 1995
Emanuel Martinez retrospecti
April, May, June 1995
Emanuel Martinez 25 Year Ret
December 3, 1992
Exhibition '92 revealed the
April 29, 1992
Colorado Chicano art on exhi
September 11, 1994
Celebrating two diverse cult
February 23, 1990
'Viva Latinos!' highlights a
June 30, 1991
Festival circuit adds Cherry
ca. 1994
Free poster for new Foothill
August 6, 1995
Critics' Choice: Art
October 14, 1999
International artist joins l
July 5, 1995
Lobato takes a first at Cher
April 13, 1995
Portrait of an Artist
July 9, 1995
Different explorations but a
August 1995
Exhibition for Former City E
ca. June 1995
Emanuel Martinez: A Retrospe
January 27, 1991
Artist reveals spiritual ess
February 15, 1989
Magic and Myth / Emanuel; th
April 9, 1964
Art Contest / Art Winners
ca. late 1980s
Sculpture exhibit to open Su
June 9, 1996
Museo provides showcase for
June 28, 1995
An inspiration for our young
ca. June 30, 1995
Museo unfolds a career: Retr
September 1990
Chicano Art: Resistance and
April 3, 1991
Michener exhibit celebrates
January 20, 1993
Chicano images live on