Browse All : Martinez, Emanuel (American sculptor and painter, born 1947) and mural paintings (visual works)

101-114 of 114
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Mural might help break down walls
Mural might help break ...
May 20, 1991
Work Title (display)
Mural might help break down walls
Work Dates (display)
May 20, 1991
Two artists, Arvada Center win awards
Two artists, Arvada Cen...
June 9, 1985
Work Title (display)
Two artists, Arvada Center win awards
Work Dates (display)
June 9, 1985
Facing forward, together
Facing forward, togethe...
June 12, 1999
Work Title (display)
Facing forward, together
Work Dates (display)
June 12, 1999
Emanuel Martinez: Emanuel Gallery of Fine Art
Emanuel Martinez: Emanu...
February 1982
Work Title (display)
Emanuel Martinez: Emanuel Gallery of Fine Art
Work Dates (display)
February 1982
A muralist with convictions
A muralist with convict...
November 8, 1987
Work Title (display)
A muralist with convictions
Work Dates (display)
November 8, 1987
Muralist's 'wings of strength' turn taggers' energies to art
Muralist's 'wings of st...
ca. 1995
Work Title (display)
Muralist's 'wings of strength' turn taggers' energies to art
Work Dates (display)
ca. 1995
Artist speaks out via work
Artist speaks out via w...
July 8, 1997
Work Title (display)
Artist speaks out via work
Work Dates (display)
July 8, 1997
Emanuel Martinez Juzgará la Exhibición de Artes Finas de Delta / Emanuel Martinez To Judge Delta Fine Arts Exhibition
Emanuel Martinez Juzgar...
July/August 1993
Work Title (display)
Emanuel Martinez Juzgará la Exhibición de Artes Finas de Delta / Emanuel Martinez To Judge Delta Fine Arts Exhibition
Work Dates (display)
July/August 1993
An inspiration for our young adults
An inspiration for our ...
June 28, 1995
Work Title (display)
An inspiration for our young adults
Work Dates (display)
June 28, 1995
If walls could talk / Mural illustrates Morrison through time
If walls could talk / M...
November 1, 2007
Work Title (display)
If walls could talk / Mural illustrates Morrison through time
Work Dates (display)
November 1, 2007
Artist's brush lends color, form to mural
Artist's brush lends co...
September 9, 1992
Work Title (display)
Artist's brush lends color, form to mural
Work Dates (display)
September 9, 1992
Artist starts work on Peoria mural
Artist starts work on P...
January 14, 2009
Work Title (display)
Artist starts work on Peoria mural
Work Dates (display)
January 14, 2009
Brushing up on the past
Brushing up on the past
July 16, 2008
Work Title (display)
Brushing up on the past
Work Dates (display)
July 16, 2008
Mural painter shows wall-to-wall vision
Mural painter shows wal...
September 1, 1986
Work Title (display)
Mural painter shows wall-to-wall vision
Work Dates (display)
September 1, 1986
101-114 of 114
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