May 9, 1993
Rotunda bronze honors legacy
April 15, 1993
Denver residents pay respect
ca. 1993
Bien hecho (well done), Rich
April 14, 1993
Bronze bust of Richard Castr
September 1992
Sangre de Cristo Arts & Conf
June 16, 1999
Confluent People unveiled /
April 14, 1993
Rich Castro bust unveiled
circa 1992
Delta Septiembre Celebracion
August 26, 1992
Renowned Hispanic artist com
February 23, 1990
'Viva Latinos!' highlights a
January 21, 1993
Homenaje a Richard Castro en
February 19, 1997
Bust of Dr. Valdez dedicated
July 24, 1996
NCLR Conference signals new
September 9, 1992
Artist's brush lends color,