Emanuel Martinez Collection
Emanuel Martinez Collection
Image Record ID:
Image Record ID
Work Title (display):
Artist-in-residence sparks creative fires
Image Title:
full view
Work Description:
Emanuel Martinez teaches art techniques to students at Frederick Elementary School where he is an artist-in-residence. The article describes Martinez's career and achievements.
Work Dates (display):
October 15, 1989
Work Dates type:
Work Creator (display):
Monte Whaley (American, active late 1980s to present)
Work Creator (display):
Kevin Moloney (American, born ca. 1965)
Work Creator notes (display):
Kevin Moloney is a photojournalist, media researcher, consultant, and regular contributor to the New York Times for more than 20 years covering the Rocky Mountain region. His images appeared on the Times front page 50 times, and on section fronts hundreds more. He has photographed more than 960 stories for the U.S. newspaper of record. Moloney's work has also appeared in U.S. News & World Report, Fortune, Life, Time, Stern, The Chicago Tribune, The Independent, USA Today, Elle, Marie Claire, Business Week, the Christian Science Monitor, and National Geographic publications. He was one of two journalists selected as inaugural recipients of the Ford Environmental Journalism Fellowship. For 21 years, Moloney was a lecturer of photojournalism at the University of Colorado Boulder. In 2008 his students secured for him the Robin F. Garland Education award, given by the National Press Photographers Association in honor of achievement in photojournalism education. Moloney also has extensive international journalism training experience having taught photojournalism workshops in Argentina, Chile, the Falkland Islands, Myanmar and most recently in Venezuela. He holds a Ph.D. in technology, media and society from the the University of Colorado's ATLAS Institute, and teaches transmedia journalism at the Center for Emerging Media Design and Development at Ball State University. http://www.kevinmol
Work Creator UCB affiliation notes (display):
1983-1987: undergraduate student; graduated in 1987 with a BS in journalism; 1996-2017: lecturer in photojournalism; 2012-2015: Ph.D. student in Technology, Media and Society at ATLAS Institute; received Ph.D. in 2015
Work Creator UCB affiliation (display):
undergraduate student, lecturer, Ph.D. student
Work Creator (display):
Longmont Daily Times-Call (American newspaper, based in Longmont, CO, founded 1931)
Work Creator Multiple Roles (display):
author: Monte Whaley; photographer: Kevin Moloney; publisher: Longmont Daily Times Call
Work Style Period:
Work Style Period
Work Subject:
Martinez, Emanuel (American sculptor and painter, born 1947)
Martinez, Emanuel (American sculptor and painter, born 1947)
Work Subject
Work Subject:
Work Subject
Work Subject:
Frederick Elementary School (school in Frederick, CO)
Frederick Elementary School (school in Frederick, CO)
Work Subject
Work Subject:
mural paintings (visual works)
mural paintings (visual works)
Work Subject
Work Subject:
Joe P. Martinez Memorial (Emanuel Martinez sculpture)
Joe P. Martinez Memorial (Emanuel Martinez sculpture)
Work Subject
Work Subject:
sculpture (visual works)
sculpture (visual works)
Work Subject
Work Subject:
Governor's Awards for Excellence in the Arts (annual awards in Colorado)
Governor's Awards for Excellence in the Arts (annual awards in Colorado)
Work Subject
Work Worktype:
clippings (information artifacts)
clippings (information artifacts)
Work Worktype
Work Category (VRC classification):
Work Category (VRC classification)
Work Category (VRC classification):
Work Category (VRC classification)
Work Location (Geographic) name:
Frederick, Colorado
Work Location (Geographic) role:
Work Location (Geographic) name:
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Work Location (Geographic) role:
Work Location (Geographic) name:
Denver, Colorado
Work Location (Geographic) role:
Image Rights Fair Use Checklist:
1) use of this work is for education and educational research; 2) the author and photographer are credited if known; 3) the work is published; 4) the size and amount of the work in relation to the whole are needed for education or educational research; 5) the number of derivatives is the minimum required for education or educational research; 6) the work has not been found to be reasonably available for sale; 7) duplication of the work does not violate preexisting contracts.
Work Rights (display):
© Longmont Daily Times-Call
Terms of Agreement and Conditions of Use:
YOU AGREE: Luna Imaging's Insight Software and the digital image collection associated with it (the Software) are being provided by the University of Colorado under the following license. By obtaining, using, and/or copying this work, you (the Licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions. 1. The Software contains the University of Colorado's Department of Art and Art History's implementation of a digital image collection; 2. Any images obtained through use of the Software will be used only for non-profit, educational purposes; 3. The use of images obtained through the software will only be used while the Licensee is either: a) an employee of the University of Colorado, Metropolitan State College of Denver, or the Community College of Denver, or b) an enrolled student at the University of Colorado, Metropolitan State College of Denver, or the Community College of Denver; 4. When the Licensee is no longer an employee or student of the University of Colorado, Metropolitan State College of Denver or Community College of Denver, either by an action of the University of Colorado, Metropolitan State College of Denver or the Community College of Denver or due to actions of the Licensee, the licensee will cease to use any images exported from the Department of Art and Art History's digital image collection; 5. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University for claims and liability arising out of the use of the Software or for any violations of this license; 6. THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO SUPPLIES THE SOFTWARE WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
CU Copyright Statement:
The contents of the University of Colorado Digital Library are available for your use in research, teaching, and private study. Some of these items are protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.) and some items may have additional restrictions. If you use the items in this collection, make sure you abide by any restrictions stated in the descriptive data window. The nature of these collections often makes it difficult to determine the copyright status of an item. We have made every effort to provide information about copyright owners and other restrictions in the descriptive data window. Ultimately, however, it is your responsibility to use the item according to the terms governing its use. If you are a copyright holder and the information is either not listed or listed incorrectly, please let us know so that we can update the information on our site.
Holding Institution:
University of Colorado Boulder
Art and Art History Visual Resources Center
Emanuel Martinez Collection DELETE
Collection info and contact:
For information about this collection, see . For specific questions, suggestions, or corrections about the descriptive information for images, contact Please include the image file name for each image in question.